Friday, December 19, 2008

Ground Breaking For Bubble

Ironically on a rainy day the University broke ground on the new practice facility that includes a practice dome, or bubble. Athletic Director Mike Thomas, Brian Kelly and several players were on hand for the big event. It took place near the storage barns on Jefferson Ave where the facility will be built. Three important facts about this. First off, the money for this project is still being raised, it's not bought and paid for yet. Secondly, this will not take money away from academic side of the school, it's all private funds. Last but not least, this facility is for the entire university not just football. All sports will use it, as will the student body for intramurals and other programs.

Quite a bit of work, both construction and financial, lie ahead. However, if things go as planned the facility should be completed by late next year.

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